Ottoman Swords

Barrel, which does not have standard dimensions on its length and width, is a form in Ottoman swords and differs from European swords by this feature. Ottoman swords such as Ertugrul’s and Fatih’s swords were made with a slight slope from the tip of the blade and a one-sided sharp edge. This slope is certainly given according to certain technical measures to provide ease and efficiency in the use of it. This curvature is also observed in Indian, Iranian, and Mamluk swords.

Characteristic Swords

The most characteristic feature of Turkish swords is the obtaining of the steel used in the barrels and the application of ornamentation, decoration, and calligraphy on these barrels with an advanced technique according to the age. Also, Chinese ambassadors who went to Mongolian country during the time of Genghis Khan wrote that they ordered the Swords of Mongol generals and armies, who did not know how to process steel, to Uyghur Turks. The Turkish society, which has a historical background and mastery both in the construction and use of it, continued this feature also during the Ottoman period.

Shamshir Sword

In Turks, a cavalry nation, it is natural that the sword is a vehicle that every person carries.

Turks have opened ages with horses and swords throughout history and closed ages. It has been accepted as sacred in Turks. Iron and the fire that melted it were considered to have a great spiritual aspect. For this reason, the Turks, who showed great respect to iron, also respected it and made their vows on it.

Zulfikar Sword

It was carried out by Turks who found good sword making iron. The Turkish swords, whose wedges of the wedges are called the barrel, were made of wrought iron, and their weights were made so that their weights were collected.

Superior Craftmanship

Its shape was re-beaten at every break or break. Turks have demonstrated superior skill in making and using it, and have made great progress in the technique of using it. The swords made with special formulas have accomplished great things in skilled wrists. The wrist, which cut a camel pup in two in a single shot, again split an Atlas in two with a single stroke, straightening the felt made in layers.


Turkish swords, which are adorned with a fine and delicate appearance in the elegance of a decorative item, today adorn the museum showcases of domestic and foreign collections bear the identity of a relentless weapon in the hands of master Turkish warriors who break apart armors and helmets.


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