The benefits of Cardamom and the pleasure of Turkish Coffee combine, and the healthiest Turkish Coffee offers you the traditional coffee of Tahmis, Cardamom Turkish Coffee.
Preparation of Tahmis Coffee’s Highly Sparkling Turkish Coffee
Add a cup of water to your coffee pot.
Add a teaspoon (15 gr) of the Tahmis Coffee to your coffee pot.
Add the desired amount of sugar to your coffee pot and leave the coffee pot on the low fire.
Stir coffee gently. When the coffee starts to froth, divide the foam equally into each cup.
After the Tahmis coffee remaining in the pot boils one more, share it in the cups.
Your highly foamed Tahmis Turkish Coffee is ready.
Bon Appetit…
I live in the USA. I got the products very fresh. Great product. Will reoder soon. Highley recommended Thank you