Its name comes from the carob (carob) flowers that have survived from the Roman period. Our honey produced from carob flowers is flower honey, and it has a different aroma of carob flower and is highly appreciated. There is no culture cultivation of carob flower. One of the trees and flowers of the natural vegetation that has existed for 5-6 centuries. It is produced in the fall semester. It is certified organic. (Review our organic certificate and analysis results)
Good Honey, Genuine Honey
We know that you are looking for good honey and real honey-like everyone else. We have been keeping traditional beekeeping in EÄŸriçayır Plateau with an altitude of 2,500 for 300 years. This part of the Taurus Mountains preserves its natural flora somehow thousands of years ago. Our bees, feeding on the rich flora of the Taurus flora consisting of wild flowers, offer us the award-winning Organic EÄŸriçayır Honey. Therefore, our most important difference is the region where our hives are located. Secondly, our difference is the beekeeping experience of our family, who has been engaged in beekeeping for 300 years and lived with the nomadic culture. All of our products are organic certified and win many awards, including gold medals, in the world’s most prestigious beekeeping competitions.
It is very difficult to distinguish good honey, real, real honey by your own means. For this reason, it is very important to reach the honey you know the source and the manufacturer you can trust. You can visit us at Eğriçayır Plateau or Erdemli whenever you want. We are always waiting.
Award-Winning Honey
Eğriçayır Honey won the following medals in international competitions:
2015 BiolMiel Gold in Italy
2014 BiolMiel Gold in Italy
2013 Silver in Ukraine Apimondia
2013 BiolMiel Silver in Italy
2011 Silver in Slovenia Apimedica
2009 in Apimondia, France
Organic Certified
Every stage of special bee products, from production to packaging, are inspected and certified by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and independent certification body.
In addition to the products Eğriçayır produces, they also offer you special products that they are proud of being produced in our region. With the influence of their trust, many of our friends requested Taurus Honey from them. Eğriçayır realizes that they need to be very careful about honey products, whose reliability needs to be questioned seriously. Therefore; They decided to cooperate with Eğriçayır Arı Ürünleri brand, which produces award-winning and organic certified honey products in the district they are in, and to offer you the tastiest honey products of the Taurus. As a family, Eğriçayır shares these special products that they consume with confidence, with peace of mind.
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