The swords that you will buy are handmade and have also durability guarantee as in the following tests.
- Stainless Steel with 4034 Quality is processed in furnaces and it reaches up to 52 – 58 Rockwell (HRC) hardness. It is sharpened
- After heat processes, the steel has very high corrosion resistance and developed mechanic features.
- The raw material of our swords, which we design with care and attention is stainless steel with European standards.
- It is important for us to provide high abrasion resistance, fatigue strength, sustainable homogeneous hardness in our swords after the heat-treatment process.
- The gradual heating technique is applied in over 1000 degrees for 4034 quality sword & knife materials. Then it is held at a constant temperature. In furnaces with high technology, the required hardness is got in 500-600 degrees for about 5-6 hours.
- A sharpy material guarantee is given.
The handle is wood and wrapped by Artifical leather rope. The average weight is 1340g.
The scabbard will be given with the sword. You do not need to buy another product.
Features of Katana
Katana is a Japanese sword that is longer than 60 cm. “Tachi”, another type of it, is longer than the Katana sword and its sharp side is above. Although it has more difficult production stages than Katana, it is not as good as the Katana. There is also a sword shorter than the Katana sword, called “wakizashi”. The longest of this sword is 50 cm. This sword is the assistant of the Katana. A samurai would use Wakizashi when he was not able to his Katana. Today, in some places in the Southwest of Japan, there are excellent masters who produce Katana.
Let’s have a look at the production stages of this excellent sword. Coal is combined with carbon and iron powder. This combination is melted for days. The aim of this step is to obtain the iron in the mixture. When it is heated in 1000 degrees centigrade, it takes the form of hard steel and soft iron metal. An equal amount of carbon is emitted to ensure the carbon balance of the sword. It is made of two elements. These are pure metal and pure iron. The steel material is used for the sharp side of the sword and the iron material is used for its body. Katana on our website is totally made of steel. We describe the traditional methods of making Katana. The mixture of sulfur, iron, and carbon in it gives the sword flexibility and hardness.
In addition, the masters in Japan pray while the Katana is being produced. Because it is believed that the sword also has spiritual power. We can say that the sword gives not only physical strength to its user but also spiritual power. Iron pieces are melted on fire and placed on a wet piece of paper to prevent rust, and then clay and ash are applied to the paper. The aim of this step is to prevent rusting. The iron pieces are placed on top of each other and folded by beating. These parts form the outer parts of the sword. Then the clay-coal mixture is applied to the surface. A line representing the master is formed here.
Best Katana
Now, it is time to find out the quality of Katana. Katana is kept in medium heat for a minute then it is a pun in water immediately. The mixture of ash and clay, which is applied to the outside of the sword, is thinner at the edge part and thicker in the middle part. The reason for this is that the thin part should be more flexible and the thick part should be solid and hard. The last stage is polishing. Polishing is done with special small rock pieces. After this stage, the sword is whitened. Now Katana is ready to use.
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