Black Tea was first used for medical purposes in China in 2737 BC. As time went on, they combined the tea with water and turned it into a drink. Its first drinkable use dates back to the 10th century BC.
The story of the Ottoman meeting with tea started with the import of tea from several shops in Istanbul. Recognizing that tea is a valuable and beautiful drink, the Ottoman supplemented saplings brought from China during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II to Bursa, but it was not possible to grow tea here for ecological reasons.
According to the researches, the acquaintance of Turks with tea was much earlier than Central Asia. We can even say the 12th century. It was emphasized that Hoca Ahmet Yesevi was the first Turk to drink tea in the book Fevakihü’l-Cülesa, a Kazan Crimean Turk and language reformer Abdül’l-Kayyum Nasıri.
Contrary to what is known about tea, the Ottomans, who could not show a great presence, lived the First World War at that time. It has started to import coffee, which has become a culture due to lost lands and commercial agreements, very expensive. Coffees from Yemen have become very expensive.
In this regard, measures should be thinking of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Turkey has started to work for the spread of tea, which is a plant that can be grown in soil. In contrast to the expensive face of coffee, tea has become a beverage that can be manufactured cheaper and easier to deliver.
The Turks, who did not mingle with the tea until the 20th century, observed an unpredictable growth in tea in the Black Sea, especially in Rize, in the 1900s. In 1924, a law was passed by the state on growing tea in Rize. By the 1930s, 70 tons of black tea seeds from Georgia were planted and Rize was made to be a tea star.
Despite all the regulations made from time to time, we have taken our place among the top 6 countries producing the highest amount of tea in the world.
With the encouragement of Ataturk’s, Turkey and ensure regional development now taking place in the world for a spot of tea considerable. The reason for this is not only the production base but also the high tea drinking rate.
Also, you can find tea machines & pots and tea sets on our website.